
Spotlight 4 Spotlight 5

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Pankrat Prepositions
Pankrat Prepositions Quiz
This /That - These/Those 1
This /That - These/Those 1 Quiz
Comparative DEGREE
Comparative DEGREE Cartes aléatoires
Furniture Trouver la correspondance
Months of the Year / seasons
Months of the Year / seasons Quiz télévisé
Countable/Uncountable Trier par groupe
At the Airport part 1
At the Airport part 1 Apparier
 Spotlight 5 Unit 2b My things
Spotlight 5 Unit 2b My things Apparier
Months Poursuite dans le labyrinthe
rooms and furniture
rooms and furniture Pendu
Letters (a-f) match
Letters (a-f) match Apparier
animals movers unit 2
animals movers unit 2 Quiz de l’image
What would you do... (conditionals 20 cards)
What would you do... (conditionals 20 cards) Cartes aléatoires
articles A / AN with school objects
articles A / AN with school objects Vrai ou faux
HEALTH Problems
HEALTH Problems Cartes aléatoires
KET Speaking Cards 1
KET Speaking Cards 1 Cartes aléatoires
Family and friends 2 Unit 14
Family and friends 2 Unit 14 Mots mêlés
Spotlight -3 - Present Simple -s
Spotlight -3 - Present Simple -s Quiz
Days of the week part 1
Days of the week part 1 Balloon pop
Phrasal Verb - Take
Phrasal Verb - Take Apparier
What time is it?
What time is it? Trouver la correspondance
Prepositions of place
Prepositions of place Quiz
How often do you...? Always*****/usually****/often***/sometimes**/rarely*/never
How often do you...? Always*****/usually****/often***/sometimes**/rarely*/never Ouvrir la boîte
Дни недели
Дни недели Diagramme étiqueté
BE Cartes aléatoires
 Present Continuous
Present Continuous Cartes aléatoires
Present Simple positive&negative
Present Simple positive&negative Fiches de révision
Предлоги места. Prepositions of place.
Предлоги места. Prepositions of place. Apparier
Pr Simple - Cont
Pr Simple - Cont Quiz
Books Speaking
Books Speaking Ouvrir la boîte
Numbers 1-20
Numbers 1-20 Mots croisés
les jours de la semaine
les jours de la semaine Classement par rang
Starlight 4 Our emotions
Starlight 4 Our emotions Trouver la correspondance
Spotlight 4 Module 5
Spotlight 4 Module 5 Quiz
Spotlight 4 Module 5
Spotlight 4 Module 5 Diagramme étiqueté
Past Simple positive&negative
Past Simple positive&negative Fiches de révision
Question words (5) Spotlight 4
Question words (5) Spotlight 4 Complétez la phrase
spotlight 5 module 4
spotlight 5 module 4 Trier par groupe
spotlight 4 Module 5
spotlight 4 Module 5 Quiz
Spotlight 4 Module 5 Unit 10a
Spotlight 4 Module 5 Unit 10a Démêler
Spolight 5 Module 4 Appearance
Spolight 5 Module 4 Appearance Apparier
Spotlight 4 Module 5 (Ordinal Numbers)
Spotlight 4 Module 5 (Ordinal Numbers) Trouver la correspondance
Rainbow English 3, Unit 6, p.5, ex.7
Rainbow English 3, Unit 6, p.5, ex.7 Quiz
Неправильные глаголы  -4 класс
Неправильные глаголы -4 класс Apparier
Spotlight 4, Module 5
Spotlight 4, Module 5 Apparier
Irregular verbs (Spotlight 4, module 5 and 6)
Irregular verbs (Spotlight 4, module 5 and 6) Quiz
St Valentine's Day
St Valentine's Day Apparier
 Past Simple, викторина
Past Simple, викторина Quiz
Number word match up 10 to 100
Number word match up 10 to 100 Apparier
Spotlight 5 Was/were wasn't/weren't
Spotlight 5 Was/were wasn't/weren't Quiz
Spotlight 5 (last year revision questions)
Spotlight 5 (last year revision questions) Cartes aléatoires
Jobs Go getter 2
Jobs Go getter 2 Roue aléatoire
St Valentine's Day (Vocabulary)
St Valentine's Day (Vocabulary) Apparier
Yummy fruit!
Yummy fruit! Quiz
Letters(A-Z) match
Letters(A-Z) match Apparier
Wh-question Poursuite dans le labyrinthe
tag questions. Rainbow 5 Unit 4
tag questions. Rainbow 5 Unit 4 Quiz
My little island 1. Toys
My little island 1. Toys Des paires
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