
Spotlight 6 11 12

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Pets and farm animals (voc) Spotlight 5 unit 5c
Pets and farm animals (voc) Spotlight 5 unit 5c Trier par groupe
spotlight4 irregular verbs (2)
spotlight4 irregular verbs (2) Apparier
can/can't spotlight 5 module 4
can/can't spotlight 5 module 4 Ouvrir la boîte
Spotlight 5 Module 5
Spotlight 5 Module 5 Trier par groupe
Appearance (1A) Spotlight 6
Appearance (1A) Spotlight 6 Trier par groupe
My place spotlight 6 unit 2b
My place spotlight 6 unit 2b Diagramme étiqueté
Appearance spotlight 5 unit 4b
Appearance spotlight 5 unit 4b Cartes aléatoires
spotlight 6 test
spotlight 6 test Quiz
TV Programmes Spotlight 6 unit 4b
TV Programmes Spotlight 6 unit 4b Anagramme
Spt 6 module 9a Food and Drink
Spt 6 module 9a Food and Drink Trouver la correspondance
 Daily routine spotlight6 unit 4a
Daily routine spotlight6 unit 4a Trouver la correspondance
Present Simple or Present Continuous
Present Simple or Present Continuous Quiz
 Spotlight 6 2B a, any, some
Spotlight 6 2B a, any, some Quiz
house and rooms. spotlight 5 unit 3a
house and rooms. spotlight 5 unit 3a Diagramme étiqueté
Shops Spotlight 6 unit 2c
Shops Spotlight 6 unit 2c Apparier
Countries/nationalities spotlight5 unit 2A
Countries/nationalities spotlight5 unit 2A Trouver la correspondance
spotlight4 Module7 irregular verbs 1
spotlight4 Module7 irregular verbs 1 Apparier
Spotlight 11 Module 3b
Spotlight 11 Module 3b Apparier
Spotlight 11 Module 2A, ex.6
Spotlight 11 Module 2A, ex.6 Apparier
Spt 6 Food containers
Spt 6 Food containers Apparier
Spotlight 11 Module 2A ex.3
Spotlight 11 Module 2A ex.3 Apparier
Victim of a crime
Victim of a crime Apparier
Relationships 1B
Relationships 1B Quiz
comparisons unit 2.2 GG3
comparisons unit 2.2 GG3 Cartes aléatoires
passive Quiz
Comparative and superlative adjectives unit 2.2
Comparative and superlative adjectives unit 2.2 Quiz
Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Perfect
Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Perfect Quiz
spotlight 5 module 4
spotlight 5 module 4 Trier par groupe
Defining or Non-defining relative clauses (commas are written)
Defining or Non-defining relative clauses (commas are written) Quiz
Spotlight 6 My neighbourhood
Spotlight 6 My neighbourhood Trouver la correspondance
Spotlight  6 module 1c
Spotlight 6 module 1c Balloon pop
Spotlight Module 6
Spotlight Module 6 Apparier
spotlight4 regular verbs (1)
spotlight4 regular verbs (1) Anagramme
6 class. Module 3a_Road safety
6 class. Module 3a_Road safety Mots croisés
spotlight 4 ordinal numbers
spotlight 4 ordinal numbers Anagramme
spotlight4 regular verbs (2)
spotlight4 regular verbs (2) Anagramme
Present Simple or Present Continuous #5
Present Simple or Present Continuous #5 Quiz
Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous
Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous Quiz
Phrasal Verbs Spotlight 7, Module 1
Phrasal Verbs Spotlight 7, Module 1 Quiz
Spotlight 5 WB 7a
Spotlight 5 WB 7a Complétez la phrase
articles A / AN with school objects
articles A / AN with school objects Vrai ou faux
Passive Voice
Passive Voice Quiz
days of the week
days of the week Pendu
Spotlight 6 Module 5d Culture Corner
Spotlight 6 Module 5d Culture Corner Trouver la correspondance
Present Perfect & Present Perfect Continuous
Present Perfect & Present Perfect Continuous Quiz
spotlight 6 10a
spotlight 6 10a Apparier
My toys
My toys Diagramme étiqueté
My face
My face Anagramme
A victim of crime
A victim of crime Fiches de révision
Spotlight 11. Module 2b. Peer Pressure
Spotlight 11. Module 2b. Peer Pressure Apparier
My toys
My toys Anagramme
spotlight5 shops (unit 9A)
spotlight5 shops (unit 9A) Trouver la correspondance
Thanksgiving history and traditions
Thanksgiving history and traditions Quiz
Passive Voice
Passive Voice Complétez la phrase
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