
2 клас He she

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Smart Junior 2. Module 4
Smart Junior 2. Module 4 Trier par groupe
Fly High 2. Lesson 5
Fly High 2. Lesson 5 Trier par groupe
Appearance Quiz
М. Савка "Босоніжки для Стоніжки"
М. Савка "Босоніжки для Стоніжки" Complétez la phrase
He / She
He / She Quiz
Clothes (Smart Junior 2)
Clothes (Smart Junior 2) Quiz
 Quick minds 2. Does he/she like it? Yes, he/she does. No, he/she doesn't
Quick minds 2. Does he/she like it? Yes, he/she does. No, he/she doesn't Quiz
M8. Clothes. He/she is wearing...
M8. Clothes. He/she is wearing... Vrai ou faux
He / She is wearing .....
He / She is wearing ..... Trouver la correspondance
вікторина Roue aléatoire
To be and nouns
To be and nouns Quiz
He / She
He / She Quiz
He/She Quiz
Clothes (He/She is wearing)
Clothes (He/She is wearing) Quiz
We, they, he, she or it?
We, they, he, she or it? Quiz
We, I, they, he, she or it?
We, I, they, he, she or it? Quiz
 Is he wearing..? Is she wearing..?
Is he wearing..? Is she wearing..? Quiz
Present Simple he she it +s
Present Simple he she it +s Quiz
He, She Present Simple
He, She Present Simple Apparier
He, She, It, They
He, She, It, They Quiz
Математика 2 клас
Математика 2 клас Quiz
What is he/she wearing?
What is he/she wearing? Ouvrir la boîte
What is he/she wearing?
What is he/she wearing? Cartes aléatoires
He\She Trier par groupe
he/she Trier par groupe
Smart Junior 2. Module 2
Smart Junior 2. Module 2 Quiz
Lessons 3,4
Lessons 3,4 Fiches de révision
High Fly 2
High Fly 2 Anagramme
does he/she like?
does he/she like? Démêler
Smart Junior 2. Smart World 3
Smart Junior 2. Smart World 3 Quiz
Fly High 2 (Circus boy)
Fly High 2 (Circus boy) Fiches de révision
she - her, he - his
she - her, he - his Quiz
Fly High 2 (Lesson 21)
Fly High 2 (Lesson 21) Anagramme
he/she/it is
he/she/it is Ouvrir la boîte
Fly High 2 Unit 17
Fly High 2 Unit 17 Anagramme
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