put on - wear a piece of clothing, take off - remove a piece of clothing, take back - return sth to the shop, work out - exercise in the gym, go out with - date sb, look forward to - can't wait for sth, come across - find sth by accident, break down - stop working properly, cut down on - eat/drink less of sth, look for - search for, give up - stop doing sth, get on with sb - have a friendly relationship with sb, get away with sb - do sth wrong without punishment, get by - survive (finacially) on what you have, look after - take care of, get off - leave the bus/train/plane, look up to sb - respect sb, let sb down - disappoint sb, run out of sth - have no more of sth, fill in - complete sth, e.g. a form, break up - finish a romantic relationship, put off - delay in time, look sth up - search for information e.g. on the Internet, give back - return to the owner, come round - visit,


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