Who is ____ in your family? My brother is ____ than me, but ____ than my father. So it's my father. Our mother is ____ of all. Maths is a ____ subject, but Physics is ____ for me than Maths. I'm not good at it. I'm much ____ at Geography. It's ____subject for me and I really like it. Apple mobiles are really ____, they cost a lot. They are____ than Xiomi and Samsung mobiles. I think Xiomi mobiles are____because a lot of my classmates have them, so they must be ____ than Apple mobiles. A: Look at these nice photos. I think picture A is ____ than picture B. B: Yes, I also think B is ____ than A. But look at picture C. It is ____of all. I think I like picture C ____. A: How ____ from the school do you live? B: I live very ____ because I live in Trhová Kamenice. A: Well, I live in Chrudim which is ____ than Trhová Kamenice. C: Yes, but Trhová Kamenice is much ____ than Chrast, for example. It's my hometown. I think Chrudim is ____ of all.

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