She's got medium-length, wavy, brown hair. Her eyes are big and blue. , She's got medium-length, straight, red hair. She's got a fringe too. Her eyes are blue., She's got long, straight, red hair with a bun. She's wearing glasses., She's got long, curly, red hair with two buns., She's got long, wavy, red hair and big blue eyes., She's got medium-length, straight blond hair., She's got a blond bun., She's got long, straight, dark hair and a fringe. She's wearing glasses., He's got short, straight, fair hair and a fringe., He is bald. He's got a beard and moustache. He's wearing glasses., He's got short, wavy, dark hair., He is bald. He's got a moustache and he's wearing glasses., He's got short, straight, dark hair. He's got a beard and a moustache., He's got short, straight, red hair and small blue eyes., He's got short, straight, black hair..

How do they look like? Brainy 4 unit 4. (extra vocabulary)


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