Correct: He RUNS very fast., I EAT pizza., You JUMP very high., She READS a book., We CLAP with joy., They PLAY soccer., It SWIMS very fast., She SLEEPS at 8 pm., I SWIM in the lake., He DANCES jazz., They DRAW a planet., We EAT hot cakes for breakfast., You RUN like Sonic., I READ a story., She CLAPS happily., He PLAYS chess., It JUMPS with two feet., We DANCE in class., They BUILD a snowman., She MAKES apple pie., Incorrect: He RUN very fast., I EATS pizza., You JUMPS very high., She READ a book., We CLAPS with joy., They PLAYS soccer., It SWIM very fast., She SLEEP at 8 pm., I SWIMS in the lake., He DANCE jazz., They DRAWS a planet., We EATS hot cakes for breakfast., You RUNS like Sonic., I READS a story., She CLAP happily., He PLAY chess., It JUMP with two feet., We DANCES in class., They BUILDS a snowman., She MAKE apple pie.,

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