1) ______ fat? a) He was b) Was he 2) _____ a teacher? a) Were you b) You were 3) ______ a man? a) He was b) Was he 4) ______ a musician? a) She was b) Was she 5) _____ a cat? a) It was b) Was it 6) _____ a dog? a) It was b) Was it 7) ______ rich? a) She was b) Was she 8) _____ an elephant? a) It was b) Was it 9) _____ a door? a) It was b) Was it 10) _____ a table? a) Was it b) It was 11) _____ a notebook? a) Was it b) It was 12) _____ a computer? a) Was it b) It was 13) ________ poor? a) Was he b) He was 14) _______ thin? a) She was b) Was she 15) ______ a great people? a) We were b) Were we 16) ______ our neighbors? a) they were b) Were they

Verb to be - passado - interrogative form


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