1) I ............ a dog. a) have got b) has got 2) My sister .............. a snail. a) has got b) have got 3) My cousin ........... a cat. a) have got b) has got 4) She ............. 5 rats. a) have got b) has got 5) Lisa .............. 3 pigs. a) have got b) has got 6) Ronaldo ............ a cow. a) has got b) have got 7) He ............a a tail. a) have got b) has got 8) Dracula and Mary........... some sheep. a) has got b) have got 9) Frankestain ............a horse. a) have got b) has got 10) Mavis and Johnny ................ some mice. a) have got b) has got


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