1) ST. Valentines Day ... a) comes on February 14 b) come on February 14 c) on February 14 2) Valentine's Day is a time when people .... a) express annoying b) express anger c) express their feelings 3) People give ... a) money, coins, wallet b) pets, animals and mirror c) flowers, greeting cards,chocolates 4) .... are most popular gifts a) flowers b) sweets c) greeting carts 5) St. Valentine is from... a) Moscow b) France c) Rome 6) Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made ... a) worse soldiers b) better soldiers c) 2 variants are wrong 7) Sacred colors of the day are.... a) yellow and pink b) green and yellow c) red and pink

St. Valentines Day (Darina.nechvolod)


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