1) I've always been interested _________ science and I want to study biology at university. a) in b) at c) with d) about e) of f) on 2) As soon as the sun went _________ the moon became very bright. a) in b) on c) down d) with e) of f) at 3) My brother isn't very keen __________ doing sports, but he loves watching it! a) in b) down c) at d) with e) on f) of 4) My mum was born in a small town, but she grew __________ in London. a) in b) about c) on d) up e) for f) from 5) Some people are really afraid _________ snakes. a) on b) of c) in d) for e) about f) with 6) I don't know if I'll go swimming. It depends _______ what my friends want to do. a) at b) with c) on d) in e) for f) about 7) In my school exam, I couldn't finish both essays because I ________ out of time. a) left b) ran c) got d) fell e) had f) did 8) Evie was _________ with watching TV, so she started reading a book instead. a) tired b) depressed c) bored d) stressed e) interested f) keen 9) We'll have to _______ with that problem later. I don't have time right now. a) look b) solve c) fix d) make e) deal f) start 10) I've always been really ________ of small animals like rabbits. a) keen b) friendly c) fond d) happy e) interested f) excited 11) I realised I couldn't _________ off telling my parents the bad news any longer. a) put b) wait c) delay d) leave e) deal f) stop 12) I was ________ with my exam results. They were much better than I'd expected. a) proud b) excited c) amazed d) delighted e) sure f) fond

Trainer ex-s 2-3, p. 24


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