hair - Brush your ____________., care - See if I ___________., dare - I ____________ you to do it., spare - The __________ tyre was flat., there - I have never been __________, I'd like to go., where - _________ are you going?, their - Those are ___________ things, not yours., prepare - I need to ________ for the test this week., wear - Which pair of socks will I __________?, pear - Would you like an apple or a ___________?, tear - I'm going to _________ this work up and start again., swear - I ________ to always try my best, bear - I can't __________ to think about it., bare - She had __________ feet., pair - She wore a __________ of hair clips., they're - __________ going to the fair., fair - They are trying to be ________ to everyone., fare - I paid my bus ____________., hare - A rabbit is smaller than a __________., stare - I tried not to _________ at him, but he looked amazing., stairs - He fell down the ____________., despair - Try not to __________, we'll be OK., heir - He was the _________ to the throne., nightmare - Last night I had a terrible _______., glare - I wore sunglasses to cut back the sun's ___________., repair - It was broken beyond _____________., chair - I am sitting on my new office ___________., share - Try not to _________ your germs., lair - The bandits hid out in their ___________., hardware - We had to repair the chair so we went to the ________ store.,
9. AIR sound spelt air, are, ear, ere, eir
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