1) Don't eat any snacks before lunch. You _______ eat your meal. a) will b) won't 2) Study for the test or you _______ get a good mark. a) will b) won't 3) It's Olga's birthday next week. She _______ be thirteen. a) will b) won't 4) The concert finishes at 8. I _______ be home at 8:30. a) will b) won't 5) Danil and Boris are in Paris. They _______ be at our meeting today. a) will b) won't 6) Waterland is fantastic. You _______ have a wonderful time! a) will b) won't 7) Nick ________ pass his French exam. He doesn't work hard enough. a) will b) won't 8) Take your umbrella or you ________ get wet. a) will b) won't 9) I am afraid you _________ catch the train. It is two o'clock. a) will b) won't 10) Your English is very good. I'm sure you ______ pass the exam. a) will b) won't



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