...be the worst player in the best team or the best player in the worst team?, ....have a magical carpet or a personal robot?, ...be a famous singer or a famous actor?, ...be invisible or be able to fly?, ...have a hamster or an iguana?, ...go to the zoo or to the acquarium?, ...speak every language or play every instrument?, ...be the funniest person in the world or the smartest?, ...be trapped in a room with a friendly tiger or with fifty bees?, ...set the table before dinner or wash the dishes after dinner?, ...create a new holiday or create a new language?, ...eat pizza or hamburgers?, ...play paint ball or laser tag?, ...go to the beach or to the mountains?, ...be really fast or really strong?, ...live in the sky or under the sea?, ...kiss a frog or hug a snake?, ..live wihtout music or live without movies?, ...an Olympic athelte or a President?, ...live without a Tv or wihtout a phone?, ...fly a helicopter or a private jet?, ...go to a water park or to Universal Studio?, ...drive a convertible or a race car?.




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