1) Which was the first country to get invaded a) USA b) UK c) France d) Poland 2) How Many Jews had died a) 7,000 b) 6 million c) 68 Million d) 65 Million 3) Which Country had the strongest navy at that time a) Uk b) USA c) Germany d) Soviet Union 4) What was the Name of the two atomic bombs drooped on heroshima And Nagasaki a) The Bomb and WW2 b) Fat girl And Triangle c) Fat Man And Little Boy d) pearl harbour And Midaway 5) How Many years did World war 2 last a) 31 years b) 100 years c) 17 Years d) 6 years 6) who was Uk's prime minister at that time a) F.D Rosevelt b) Twilight D. Eisenhower c) Winston Churchill d) Adolf Hitler 7) Which was the most powerful economy at that time  a) Germany b) Italy c) Usa d) Uk 8) On what day did hitler surrender a) 30th April 1945 b) 6th March 1941 c) 31st October 1940 d) 7th September 1944 9) Which country of the following was in the allied Powers a) Germany b) Soviet Union c) Italy d) Japan 10) What happened at Dunkirk in May 1940? a) The French army lost a major battle b) American forces invaded France c) German Forces Were Defeated in a large naval battle d) British forces retreated across the English Channel

World War 2


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