The dog____(bite) the cat. The cat ____ (scare) the mouse. The lion ____ (chase) the rabbit. The boy ____ (lift) the leaf. The girl ____ (run) to her mother. Yesterday, I ____ (play) football. Last week, we ____ (start) working on the project. It was cold last month, so i ____ (shiver). last night, a spider ____ (scare) me. I ____ (meet) my friend on Monday. Yesterday morning , I ____ (fall) from the tree. Yesterday, I____ (blow) bubbles. I ____(read) a story yesterday. I ____ (write) my homework. Last week, I ____ (make) my favorite cake. I ____ (play) football two days ago. The girl ____ (eat) her food. Saleh ____ (drink) the juice. I ____(go) to the zoo last month. He ____ (is) very sad because he lost the race. He ____ (run) across the street. I ____ (do) my homework last night. Rashid ____ (fall) on his knee and i ____ (cry). Sara ____ (draw) a flower. Yesterday, I saw my friend saeed and he ____(say) me 'Hello'. In the morning, I ____ (feel) sad. I ____( think) of making a cake for my sisters birthday.

Past tense 2


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