1) What TV programme is "Tom and Jerry"? a) cartoon b) documentary c) nature programme d) film 2) What is the most famous nature programme speaker? a) David Attenborough b) Jack Sparoww c) Emma Watson   d) Mouse Mickey 3) What kind of TV programme is "Winnetou"? a) chat Show b) western c) cartoon d) quiz show 4) What TV programme is "Beverly Hills 90210"? a) cartoon b) soap opera c) comedy d) sports programme 5) What TV programme is a football match? a) quiz show b) sports programme c) chat show d) news 6) Where can you find out what the weather is like? In: a) In the quiz show b) in weather forecast c) In cartoon d) in news 7) Where can you find out what's going on in the world? a) In sports program b) documentary c) in the news d) in chat show 8) Where will you watch "Harry Potter"? a) in news b) in Film c) in news d) in chat show 9) Where can you watch "The Pirates of the Caribbean"? a) in film b) in cartoon c) in news d) in chat show 10) What kind of TV programme is "Doctor Doolittle"? a) film b) cartoon c) weather forecast d) news 11) What kind of TV programme "Jurassic Word''? a) film b) documentary c) chat show d) quiz show 12) What kind of TV programme is "The Mag"? a) Film b) the news c) soap opera d) chat show 13) What kind of TV programme is "Harry Potter"? a) film b) soap opera c) serial d) news 14) Where will you watch pokemon ? a) in the news b) in film c) in western d) in cartoon 15) Where will you watch "Jumanji" ? a) in the news b) in film c) in western d) in quiz show


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