Tell me about a piece of music you'll never forget hearing for the first time, On a typical day what type of music do you listen to?, do you think that anyone, at any age can learn to sing/play a musical instrument?, Who is your favourite musical artist and why?, Which is more important - the lyrics or the music?, Which is better in your opinion - listening to recorded or live music?, Have you ever been to a live concert? Give details, Is there a musical instrument you would love to be able to play?, Have you ever performed in front of a lot of people?, Do you have a favourite song or piece of music? why is it special to you?, Are there moments in your life that you would never listen to music?, What's your favourite genre of music - and why?, Is there any genre of music you simply can't stand?, Do you think that learning/studying music should be compulsory in schools?, Do you agree with the idea that the music that means the most is the music of our teenage years?.

B2: Let's talk about Music


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