1) scream a) loudly b) like a leaf c) system d) emotions 2) human a) come true b) like a leaf c) loudly d) emotions 3) green a) faster b) moon c) with envy d) the roof 4) shake a) emotions b) with envy c) in one's stomach d) like a leaf 5) scared a) one's stomach b) to death c) system d) beats faster 6) public a) our fears b) places c) loudly d) like a leaf 7) butterflies a) face b) to death c) in one's stomach d) system 8) over a) face b) with envy c) red d) the moon 9) heart a) beats faster b) loudly c) the roof d) to death 10) fears and dreams a) like a leaf b) come true c) our fears d) emotions


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