1) ... you eat plums? a) Do b) Does 2) ... Pete play tennis? a) Do b) Does 3) ... your sister go to the shop in the morning? a) Do b) Does 4) ... your mum and dad like oranges? a) Do b) Does 5) ... the Swifts have pigs? a) Do b) Does 6) ... they run by the lake? a) Do b) Does 7) ... she read English books? a) Do b) Does 8) ... you like ice-cream? a) Do b) Does 9) ... he go to the shop in the evening? a) Do b) Does 10) ... this dog sleep in the hall? a) Do b) Does 11) ... she sing well? a) Do b) Does 12) ... he like to go to the cinema? a) Do b) Does

Rainbow 3 Unit 7 Step 2 Do/Does


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