What are you doing here? I’m waiting for ____. This bag is empty, there is ____in it. I’m looking for my glasses. I can’t find them ____. I want ____ to read. I’m going to buy a magazine. ’Do you know ____ in Madrid?’ Yes, I have a few friends there. I swear! I won't tell ____ your secret! I'm so sad because ____ came to my birthday. We have ____ to do. There's no work today! Sorry Mat, I don't have ____ for breakfast. Dyana sent twenty job applications, but ____ replied. Did you go ____ last night? I would like to go ____ this summer. No worries! ____ called when you were out. It is so dark. I can’t see ____. There is ____ knocking on the door. I can’t understand ____ This movie doesn’t have subtitles.

Indefinite Pronouns


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