1) The Eiffel Tower ... in 1889. (past simple) a) build b) built c) was built d) were built 2) More and more trees ... down every day. (present simple) a) are cutting b) is cutting c) are cut d) is cut 3) English ... by 3.5 billion people all over the word. (present simple) a) speak b) spoke c) is spoken d) am spoken 4) The Mona Lisa ... by Leonardo da Vinci. (past simple) a) paint b) painted c) was painted d) were painted 5) The Thessaloniki metro ... in 2025. (future) a) complete b) completed c) will complete d) will be completed 6) Oh no! The famous painting ... stolen. (present perfect) a) steal b) stole c) has stolen d) has been stolen 7) Harry Potter ... by J.K. Rowling. (past simple) a) write b) wrote c) was written d) were written 8) The light bulb... by Thomas Edison. (past simple) a) invent b) invented c) was invented d) were invented 9) These pencils ... in Germany. (present simple) a) makes b) made c) is made d) are made 10) Titanic ... by James Cameron. (past simple) a) is directed b) was directed c) will be directed d) be directed 11) The first telephone ... by Alexander Graham Bell. (past simple) a) was invented b) were invented c) is invented d) are invented 12) The first aeroplanes ... by the Wright Brothers. (past simple) a) is flown b) were flown c) will be flown d) can be flown 13) This plane .... in Toulouse in France next year. (future) a) is made b) has been made c) will be made d) was made 14) This award .... to Dr Sage tomorrow. (future) a) will be given b) is given c) was given d) has been given 15) These shoes ....... already ........... by me. (present perfect) a) were bought b) will be bought c) are bought d) have been bought

Quiz - Passive Voice


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