1) ______________, I telephoned the police. a) Not knowing what to do b) Not having known what to do 2) _________ to help in any other way, I gave her some money. a) Having been unable b) Being unable 3) _____________ everybody, he went home. a) After having annoyed b) Being annoyed 4) __________, you should wash your hands. a) Before cooking b) After cooking 5) _____________ at the hotel, he went to get changed. a) On arriving b) On arrived 6) ___________ by the changing information, they thought the plane was cancelled. a) Confusing b) Confused 7) ___ at a low temperature, these jeans will keep their original colour for a long time. a) Washed b) Having washed 8) ___ in India for two years, Kaleem could speak some Hindi. a) Lived b) Having lived 9) __________ through the woods, they found a bird with a broken wing. a) Walking b) Walked 10) _______ her eyes, the baby started crying a) opened b) opening 11) _________________, the plant can live through the winter a) Looked after carefully b) Looking after carefully 12) ___________________ every competition, Mark retired from Judo a) Having won b) Winning

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