1) About 400 students ... in the competition last year. a) take part b) took part c) tournament d) fan 2) In this month’s competition you could win a ... worth £3,000. a) fan b) champion c) prize 3) He’s a big ... of Elvis Presley. a) fan b) champion c) professional 4) You sing like a real ... . So cool! a) fan b) champion c) professional 5) ... of Sylvester Stallone will enjoy this movie. a) Tournaments b) Fans c) Champions 6) I feel I can win this ... . a) champion b) professional c) tournament 7) Mohammed Ali, the former world heavyweight boxing ..., will appear on the 'Tonight' show next week. a) champion b) fan c) prize 8) She wanted to ... but she was too ill. a) take part b) takes part c) took part


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