5 toe touches, 15 squats, 10 front arm circles, Do the Floss!, March in place for 30 seconds, 15 cross crawls, 20 jumping jacks, body twist for 10, 10 ski hops, 10 reach and squat, 20 windmills, 20 side bends, 20 jumping jacks, balance on your left foot for 20 seconds, 10 under the leg hand claps, balance on your right foot for 20 seconds, 5 deep breaths, 10 backwards arm circles, 5 deep breaths, 10 Star Jumps, 5 push-ups, Run in Place for 30 seconds , Camel Pose, Butterfly Stretch , Burpees, Chair Push Ups.

Movement Brain Breaks


Cartes aléatoires est un modèle à composition non limitée. Il ne génère pas de points pour un classement.

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