1) This planet is next to the Sun! a) Saturn b) Mars c) Mercury d) Earth 2) This planet is called Red Planet a) Mars b) Jupiter c) Saturn d) Uranus 3) The biggest planet in the Solar System a) Earth b) Jupiter c) Venus d) Mars 4) How many planets are there in the Solar system? a) 12 b) 8 c) 6 d) 11 5) Who was the first woman in space? a) Olga Buzova b) Valentina Tereshkova c) Kseniya Sobchak 6) Who was the first man in space? a) Yuri Gagarin b) Neil Armstrong c) Aleksey Leonov d) Egor Creed 7) What animals were the first in space? a) Bulka&Palka b) Belka&Strelka c) Chunga&Changa 8) In which Galaxy is our Solar System? a) Andromeda b) Milky Way c) Large Magellanic Cloud 9) What was the first planet discovered with the help of telescope a) Neptune b) Uranus c) Saturn d) Jupiter 10) Is Pluto a planet? a) Yes, it is b) No, it isn’t


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