1) ... bananas are there in the fridge? a) How many b) How much 2) ... jam is there in the cupboard? a) How much b) How many 3) ... water is there in the glass? a) How much b) How many 4) ... cookies are there in the basket? a) How much b) How many 5) ... chocolate is there on the table? a) How many b) How much 6) ... butter is there in the fridge? a) How many b) How much 7) ... cola is there in the fridge? a) How much b) How many 8) ... meat is there in the box? a) How many b) How much 9) ...bottles are there in the kitchen? a) How much b) How many 10) ... juice is there in your glass? a) How much b) How many 11) ... milk is there in the fridge? a) How much b) How many 12) ... sandwiches are there on the plate? a) How much b) How many 13) ... money have you got? a) How much b) How many 14) ....coins do you have in your wallet? (billetera) a) How much b) How many 15) ...time do they have to finish their homework? a) How much b) How many

How much vs How many



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