1) Which best describes a pressure group? a) A disorganised group that wants to petition issues. b) An organised group that wants to put pressure on all parliament members. c) An organised group that aims to influence government policies. 2) Which is NOT a key feature of pressure groups? a) They seek to exert influence from outside. b) They have a ‘narrow issue’ focus. c) Members are united by a shared belief or common set of interests. d) Members are invited personally. 3) Which policy department does the National Farmers’ Union work with? a) Department for Economic Affairs b) Department for Rural Affairs c) Home Office d) Ministry of Justice 4) What is the alias for a pressure group where members do not actively participate? a) Chequebook group b) Dormant group c) Freehold group d) Sleeper group 5) Which groups' memberships require qualification to become a member? a) Cause groups b) Insider groups c) Interest groups d) Outsider groups 6) Which of the following is NOT an insider group? a) National Education Union b) Greenpeace c) British Medical Association d) Confederation of British Industry 7) Which cause group worked to change the electoral system to Alternative Vote in 2011? a) Amnesty International b) Electoral Reform Society c) Extinction Rebellion d) Greenpeace 8) Which insider group encouraged the ban on smoking in public places? a) British Medical Association b) Electoral Reform Society c) National Education Union d) National Farmers’ Union 9) Which method used by pressure groups would not be classed as 'slacktivism'? a) Liking a group post on Facebook b) Joining a demonstration c) Sharing an event on-line d) Signing an official group e-petition 10) Which government policy did the media not help to change? a) Sarah's Law b) Clare's Law c) Cole's Law

Week 14 POL - Pressure Groups


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