1) A source of air pollution a) onions b) cars c) newspapers 2) A cause of air pollution a) skunks b) bicycles c) factories 3) A source of air pollution a) airplanes b) cheese c) bridges 4) A cause of air pollution a) aerosol hair spray b) littering c) gardens 5) A source of air pollution a) using soap b) vinegar c) wood burning 6) A cause of air pollution a) walking b) beaches c) buses 7) A cause of air pollution a) crafts b) spray paint c) sewing 8) A cause of air pollution a) cows b) dogs c) insects 9) A cause of air pollution a) dry cleaning b) washing machines c) dishwashers 10) A cause of air pollution a) television b) apples c) cigarettes 11) A source of air pollution a) oil tanker b) motorcycle c) sunbathing

Air Pollution Causes


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