1) Which job would you never do and why? 2) What's your opinion about extreme sports?  3) Are you on social networking sites? Why (not)? 4) Have you ever wasted money on something you've never used? 5) What are the dangers of online shopping? 6) Should politicians be paid more? Are their salaries fair? 7) What is the most amazing place you have ever been to? 8) What is the strangest dream you have ever had? 9) Do you have a book, film or series to recommend? 10) What characteristics are essential in a good friend? 11) Who do you look up to and why? 12) Have you ever made a life-changing decision? Do you regret it? 13) The new Spanish celebrities and influencers. Why are they so popular? 14) What's more important, a well-paid job or one that you really enjoy?

Advanced speaking practice. EOI Prado de Alarcos


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