1) Does your Mom like football? a) Yes, she does b) Yes, she is c) No, she does 2) How old is Kate? a) He's eleven b) March c) She's twelve 3) Have you got a skateboard? a) Yes, I am b) No, I haven't c) Yes, I can 4) When do you get up? a) At six o'clock b) Orange c) In the bath 5) Whose cap is this? a) It's red b) It's mine c) They're mine 6) Where's the cinema? a) Behind the park b) In the bed c) Yes, please 7) Would you like a banana? a) Yes, I am b) Yes, I can c) No, thank you 8) Is there any cheese in the fridge? a) Yes, there are b) No, there is c) Yes, there is


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