1) Place where you can play. a) park b) cinema c) swimming pool d) amusement park 2) Place where you can watch a film. a) cinema b) restaurant c) amusement park d) farm 3) Place where you can swim. a) cinema b) farm c) park d) swimming pool 4) Place where you can see animals. a) amusement park b) farm c) cinema d) restaurant 5) Place that you can climb. a) park b) restaurant c) mountain d) cinema 6) Place where you can buy things. a) shop b) cinema c) park d) farm e) restaurant 7) Place where you can have lots of fun. a) park b) amusement park c) cinema d) farm 8) Place where you can eat. a) farm b) restaurant c) cinema d) amusement park

Places in the town - 2nd Primary


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