1) which building should we go to get a building permit? a) butcher b) bank c) municipalty d) museum 2) we need some fresh bread let's go to a) boutique b) bakery c) coffee shop d) greengrocery 3) I need some money lets go to a) bank b) store c) music store d) see the mayor 4) I need fruits and vegetables let's go to a) grocery b) museum c) painting d) greengrocery 5) Let's go to the library and borrow a ____. a) wiew b) furnıture c) painting d) book 6) get ____ a) university b) a car c) hobbies d) married 7) _____ I will be an architect in the future because I'm extremely good a) earn b) believe c) receive d) house 8) future job a) a big house b) doctor c) oxford d) to europe 9) I suppose I will _____ in my 60s. a) be retired b) get married c) have children d) food pills 10) it is a quiet and calm place. itt is really _____ village a) overseas b) reteired c) robots d) peaceful 11) circle the odd one... birthday party   a) candles b) cake  c) drinks d) diploma 12) circle the odd one...  decorations a) beverages b) flowers c) ballons d) confetti 13) circle the odd one... ramadan feast a) relatives b) visiting grandparents c) costume d) baklava 14) circle the odd one... graduation party  a) diploma b) degree c) cap d) birthday cake 15) the theme is _______ we need to wear a scary costume a) to do list b) confetti c) horror d) decorate 16) my favourite sci-fi series is on tonight.it is about ___________ a) ailens b) a rich girl c) a relationship between a man and a dog d) friendship 17) I ______ you to watch documentariies they are very informative a) prefer b) lean c) recommend d) find 18) I always watch ____ before buying a product a) commercials b) news c) soap opera d) reality show 19) did you watch the ______? there was the speech of the preesident of the U.S.A. a) news b) documentaries c) soap opera d) quiz show 20) last night. I watched a ______. I cloud answer all the questions. a) documentaries b) sitcom c) news d) quiz show 21) A very big tooth tusk/fur a) tusk b) fur 22) A snake can't walk. it's a ______ a) birds b) reptile c) mammals d) wings 23) an animal that is hunted and killed by other animals paw/prey a) paw b) prey 24) a tiger has _____ teeth a) sharp b) paw c) stripes d) tusks 25) animals which are almost extinct endangered/prey a) endangered  b) prey 26) she was born in london, but she _____ in italy a) learnet b) left c) moved d) grew up 27) he was a university student in 2000 and he _____ from the university in 2004  a) graduated b) found c) studied d) left 28) she dosen't ___ she lives with her family a) grow up b) live alone c) graduate d) have a career 29) get ____ which word DOES NOT complete the sentence  a) a prize b) married c) retired d) a career 30) have ____ which word DOES NOT complete the sentence a) a lot of inventions b) a son c) grandchildren d) engaged 31) archery,skiing and roller skating are _ _ _ _ activities a) indoor b) outdoor c) team d) pool 32) I do _ _ _ _. I have a special white suit and a red belt a) cycling b) roller-skating c) baseball d) karate 33) basketball,football and volleyball are _ _ _ _ sports a) individual b) easy c) team d) indoor 34) I find yoga _ _ _ _ I don't enjoy it a) interesting b) enjoyable c) boring d) relaxing 35) which sports do you do on your own a) table tennis b) basketball c) swimming d) football 36) I'm 50 kg.Matt is 90 kg.I'm _ _ _ _ than matt a) taller b) shorter c) cutter d) thinner 37) which one is odd a) beautiful b) more popular c) thinner d) shorter 38) which matching is odd? a) attractive/beautiful b) lazy/hardworking c) good looking/ugly d) thoghtful/selfish 39) my sister can't speak in front of a lot of people. she is really _ _ _ _ a) shy b) cheerful c) stubborn d) honest 40) she is always late for her classes. she is never _ _ _ _ a) punctual b) lazy c) helpful d) easy

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