Do you think children should be forced to study music?, Do you think it’s good for boys and girls to be taught different ways?, Why do you think sudoku is popular?, How important are genes in deciding someone’s intelligence, do you think?, What can you do to improve your memory?, More and more people are learning languages from very young ages these days. Why do you think this is?, What is the best way to improve your IQ?, Is it a good thing for child prodigies to study with older children and adults?, Do you think being forced to mix with people is always a good thing for people who lack social skills?, Do you think it’s a good idea to expose yourself to things you are afraid of?, Are there times when it’s better to just accept stress rather than try to fight it?, What do you think the disadvantages of being optimistic are?, What do you think the advantages of daydreaming are?, At what age do you think children should be put into different classes depending on their academic ability?, Why do you think some people are so interested in what they dream about?, Are people in your country generally knowledgeable about healthy and unhealthy foods, do you think?, Do you believe that people in your country learn enough about healthy eating at school?, What do you think about obligatory cookery lessons in secondary schools?, What can be done to make young people eat healthier food, do you think?, What change in people’s diets is the most worrying, in your opinion?, How have people’s attitudes to foreign food changed over the last 50 years in your country?, Is traditional food becoming less popular in your country? Does that worry you?, How important is retaining a country’s traditional food culture, in your opinion?, Do you think there is a danger that your country’s traditional cuisine could disappear?, Some people protest against having American fast food restaurants in historic areas. How do you feel about that?, Do you think that restrictions on the sale of very unhealthy foods are a good idea?, Do you think your government is doing enough to improve people’s diets?, What information should restaurants be forced to make public to help people choose where and what to eat?, Why do convenience stores not sell healthier food?, Are modern “health foods” really good for us, do you think?, What do you think about dieting?, Do you believe there are any “miracle foods” which are much better for our health than others?, Do you think the food available in this city has got better or worse in the last ten years?, Do you think that people’s attitude to chemicals in food is changing?, How do you feel about GM foods?, Do celebrity chefs have a generally good or bad influence in your country?, What are your predictions for people’s diets in the next twenty years?, Are supermarkets a mainly positive or negative change in people’s lives?, How would you feel about the government making it possible to have more street food in this city?, What things other than taste could affect how much someone enjoys a meal? How could a restaurant use that information?, Are there advantages to e-readers?, Do you think children should all study a musical instrument at school?, Do you think it’s good for the government to own media organisations?, Do you think your government is doing enough to control internet content?, Is it a good thing for children to take an interest in the news?, Is it important to study literature, or do you think it is enough to just read and enjoy it?, Is painting the best way of developing creativity?, Many people say that comics are only for children. Why do you think they say this?, More and more people are reading from screens these days. Why do you think this is?, What do you think people like about live theatre?, Why do you think some people are so interested in animation?, Would you prefer to be artistic or mathematical?, What is the best way to find out about artistic events going on in this city?, At what age do you think parents should allow their children to use the internet on their own?, Do people in your country generally listen to the radio?, Do you think it’s a good idea to get children dancing at school?, Do you think it’s true that violent films have a bad influence on society?, Do you think literature is always a good thing for young people?, How important do you think it is for children to learn about visual arts?, Is it a good thing for parents to force their children to learn a musical instrument?, Is it better for children to read fiction or non-fiction?, Some people say that museums should be free. What do you think?, Some people think governments should subsidise classical musical? Do you think this is a good idea?, What can you do to make sure you get unbiased news?, What do you think the advantages are of getting news from the internet?, Why do you think comics are popular?, Why do you think some people prefer movies to live theatre?, Are there times when it’s better to leave a child to cry?, At what age do you think children should be allowed to stay out as late as they like?, Do you think children should be polite with their family?, Do you think it’s better for parents to make teenagers do household jobs or wait for them to volunteer?, Do you think it’s true that teenagers usually argue with their parents?, Do you think paying children for housework is a good way to train them to be responsible?, How important is it to teach music to kids?, If you could choose, what size of family would you want?, Many people choose not to have children these days. Why do you think this is?, People are getting married later and later these days. Why do you think this is?, Some people say that people should be trained to be good parents. What do you think?, What could you do to teach teenage children good manners?, What do you think the advantages of starting school younger are?, Which is the best way of making sure your children don’t get fat?, Why do you think some people get nannies for their children?, Would you prefer to be part of a large family or to be an only child?, At what age do you think people really become mature adults?, Do you think it’s a good idea to let teenagers wear what they like?, How important are negotiating and compromising with teenagers?, Is it better to clean up a teenager’s bedroom for them, or to leave it until they decide to do it themselves?, What is the best way to stop teenage parties getting too wild?, Why do you think teenagers annoy their parents?, Would you tell off a teenager for being 20 minutes late coming home?, Are there advantages to having fish as pets?, Are there times when it’s better to have a pet put down by a vet?, At what age do you think children should be expected to look after a pet without their parents’ help?, Do you think children should look after animals at school?, Do you think feeding wild birds is a good idea?, Do you think having a pet is always a good thing?, Do you think it’s good for the government to ban dangerous dogs?, Do you think it’s true that life as a pet is unnatural for animals?, Do you think people generally spend too much money on their pets?, Do you think that wildlife documentaries make people care more about the environment?.

CAE/FCE Speaking part 4 questions


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