camera operator - this person records film scenes either in the studio or on location, film crew - a group of people, hired by a production company, for the purpose of producing a film or motion picture, costume designer - this job involves designing clothes, shoes, and accesories for all members of the cast, set designer - this person plans and creates the scenery for a film, play or tv show, cast - everyone who acts in the film, lightning technician - this job involves setting up and operating the lighjts on a film set or at a concert, make-up artist - this person works with hair, make-up, and special effects to prepare actors for their roles, script - the words of a film, play, broadcast, or speech:, storyboard - (in films and television) a series of drawings or images showing the planned order of images, soundtrack - the music background in the film, credits - the list of the names of people and organizations who helped to make a movie or television program which is shown at the beginning or the end of it, plot - storyline, an extra - a person in a film who does not have a speaking part and who is usually part of the scene, for example, in a crowd, supporting roles - not main roles, lead roles - main roles, trailer - short extract from the film, box office - the place in a cinema or theatre where tickets are sold, blockbuster - a book or film that is very successful, subtitles - words shown at the bottom of a film or television picture to explain what is being said, location - a place away from a studio where all or part of a film or a television show is recorded,


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