1) I don't have a dog. a) Neither I do. b) Neither do I. c) I do. 2) He has bought the tickets, ___________? a) has he? b) hasn´t he? c) did he? 3) We went abroad on holiday. a) So have we. b) So did we. c) We did. 4) I had a great idea, but Helen _______________. a) hadn´t b) didn´t c) did 5) You´re our new neighbour, ________________? a) are you? b) don´t you? c) aren´t you? 6) They didn't get my message. a) I have. b) Neither did I. c) I did. 7) Julie has got a cold, and ______________ Joseph. a) so have b) neither did c) so has 8) I don't like jazz. a) Neither I do. b) I don't. c) Neither do I. 9) She can't type. a) So can't I. b) Neither can I. c) I can't. 10) I haven´t spoken to him, and _______________ John. a) so has b) neither has c) neither did 11) She has just finished her homework. a) So have I b) Neither have I c) So I have 12) I am not a bad driver! a) So I am b) So am I c) Neither am I 13) She won´t travel to Europe this year,________________? a) won´t she? b) would she? c) will she? 14) A:You didn´t feed the dog! B:That´s not true! I ______________ feed him. a) did b) have c) so 15) Your sister lives in Spain, ____________? a) doesn´t she b) isn´t she? c) does she?



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