come out - Please _ of the bedroom., going on - There's an exam _ at the moment., pick up - I will _ my friend from the swimming pool., come back - When will you _ from the party?, come up - Can you _ with a better idea for our school project?, go back - When is he planning to _ to Poland?, find out - Can you _ when is the quiz?, go out - Let's _ for pizza!, point out - Let me _ some important information., grow up - Oh please _ ! Your behavior is so childish!, set up - I need to _ a new email account., turned out - The end of year party _ to be a big success., get out - I need to _ of this hot sun!, come in - Please _ ! It's great to see you., take on - I wish I didn't _ all this extra work. It's too much for me., give up - I had to _ eating seafood because I am allergic to it., make up - Girls _ most of the students at our school., end up - Be careful. If you don't study, you will _ with a failing grade., get back - What time did you _ from the party?, figure out - Let's _ how to get to the city center. ,


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