1) A blue whale is the _______ animal in the sea. a) longest b) largest c) shortest 2) A giraffe is the _______ mammal. a) tallest b) smartest c) largest 3) Chimpanzee is the _______ animal on the planet. a) heaviest b) warmest c) smartest 4) A cheetah is the _______ land animal. a) cutest b) fastest c) coldest 5) The hippopotamus is the world's _______ land animal. a) most aggressive b) heaviest c) largest 6) A sloth is the _______ animal in the world. a) strongest b) most lazy c) slowest 7) The reticulated python is the _______ snake in the world. a) longest b) hottest c) coldest 8) A white bellbird is the _______ bird in the world. a) biggest b) loudest c) smallest 9) Sea snail has the _______ shell in the world. a) softest b) thinnest c) hardest 10) She is the _____________ teacher in school. a) most beautiful b) more beautiful c) beautifullest


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