kidnapping - taking a person away by force and keeping them prisoner, usually in order to demand money for their safe return, robbery - the serious crime of stealing large amounts of money from a bank/shop, usually using threats and violence, forgery - the crime of copying things such as banknotes, letters, official documents etc., manslaughter - killing a person by accident, arson - to deliberately set fire to a building, hijacking - taking control of a plane/train by force, murder - killing a person deliberately, blackmail - to demand money from someone threatening to reveal a secret, shoplifting - deliberately taking goods from a shop without paying for them, fraud - getting money from people by tricking or deceiving them , assault - the crime of physically attacking someone, theft - the crime of stealing, burglary - the crime of breaking into a house/flat in order to steal things, pickpocketing - stealing things from people's pockets/handbags, vandalism - deliberately damaging public buildings, bribery - offering money or gifts to someone in a position of authority in order to make them help you, smuggling - the crime of taking things/people illegally into or out of a country, trespassing - to enter someone's territory/building without permission, looting - the activity of stealing from shops during a violent event:, poaching - catching/shooting animals without permission,


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