1) She didn't .................... her homework a) make b) done c) did d) do e) collect f) sing 2) Did they .......... a song ? a) sing b) sang c) played d) make e) had f) sung 3) My mum ....... an operation yesterday a) leave b) made c) make d) had e) watch f) dance 4) We .............. at home three days ago a) was b) did c) were d) leave e) pick up f) saw 5) She ........................ to Spain last year a) wanted b) travel c) make d) travelled e) traveled f) were 6) Did you .................... an interesting book three days ago? a) saw b) wrote c) made d) make e) collected f) write 7) .......... they buy a new house two days ago? a) Were b) Had c) Are d) Have e) Did f) Was 8) He ............ have any English lessons last month a) not did b) didn't c) were d) did e) haven't f) not 9) I ......................... to the music in the evening a) listened b) make c) not listen d) sing e) had f) listenned 10) We .............................. a big fish a) cought b) hitted c) collect d) pick up e) was f) caught


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