1) Name the pigment present in green leaves. a) Sunlight b) Chlorophyll c) Carbondioxide d) Stomata 2) How many sense organs do we have? a) Three b) Four c) Five d) Six 3) Which is the most colourful and attractive part of a plant? a) Root b) Leaf c) Branches d) Flower 4) What is the meaning of the word "Aroma"? a) Smell b) Taste c) Flavour d) Feel 5) Which part fixes the plant in the soil? a) Roots b) Leaf c) Stem d) Flower 6) Which one is an example of climber type plant? a) Pumpkin b) Papaya c) Pea d) Peepal 7) Which one is the creeper type plant? a) Apple tree b) Grape vine c) Money plant d) Cucumber plant 8) Which among the following is a herbivores? a) Bear b) Deer c) Tiger d) Rat 9) Which one is an omnivore? a) Pig b) Lion c) Eagle d) Cow 10) What should we do to be healthy and fit? a) Eat junk food b) Sleep more c) Exercise daily d) Watch TV 11) Which sense organ we use to see things around us? a) Nose b) Eyes c) Ears d) Tongue 12) Which animal guard our home? a) Lion b) Cat c) Cow d) Dog 13) Which leaves add aroma to the food? a) Curry leaves b) Neem leaves c) Mango leaves d) Methi leaves 14) Which image shows correct use of leaves? a) b) c) d) 15) What is the meaning of habitat? a) A place where one can live comfortably b) Area covered by snow c) Air around the earth d) Eating habits of someone 16) Who are known as carnivores animals? a) Plant eaters b) Plant and flesh eaters c) Meat eaters d) Grains eaters 17) What is Sericulture? a) Rearing honey bees b) Rearing Silkworm c) Rearing cattles d) Rearing fishes 18) Who are Omnivores? a) Plant eaters b) Meat eaters c) Plant and meat eaters d) Grain eaters 19) The organs which help us to sense the things around us are known as- a) Internal organs b) Sense organs c) External organs 20) What Big plants are called? a) Shrubs b) Herbs c) Creepers d) Trees 21) Which term is used for breaking down food into simpler form? a) Absorption b) Digestion c) Excretion d) Respiration 22) Term used for plants present inside water bodies- a) Aquarium b) Aquguard c) Aquatic d) Terrestrial

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