Pad Thai - This is a type of popular stir-fry Thai dish which is made with rice noodles, vegetables, eggs, fish sauce and other ingredients. It is commonly served as street food in Thailand., Tom yum - This is a type of Thai soup which combines sour and spicy tastes. It's usually made with shrimps,herbs, tomatoes,lime juice, chilli, shalot and garlic paste., Quesadilla - This is a Mexican dish made with a tortilla which is filled with cheese and then grilled. It is common to add other ingredients and also to serve as a dessert with chocolate inside., Mole - This is a type of sauce used in Mexican cuisine. In Mexico, it's used to describe a number of different sauces. Typically it's made with chilli, garlic, tomatoes, chocolate and spices., Brunch - A meal eaten usually late in the morning at the weekend and quite big., High tea - A large, important meal eaten usually in the early evening (instead of dinner)., Afternoon tea - A light meal usually consisting of sandwiches and tea eaten around 4 pm., Morning tea - It is also called "elevenses". A light snack eaten between breakfast and lunch., Packed lunch - Lunch prepared and packed so that you can eat it later, e.g. at school or in the office.,
Focus 1 Unit 2 Food (Culture notes)
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