1) What are they doing? a) They're reading a book b) They're jumping rope c) They're eating an apple d) They're drinking juice e) They're playing hopscotch f) They're running 2) What is she doing? a) She's eating an ice cream b) She's jumping rope c) She's doing puzzles d) She's playing tag e) She's watching TV f) She's painting 3) What is he doing? a) He's playing Nintendo b) He's climbing the jungle gym c) He's reading a book d) He's playing chinese checkers e) He's swinging in the swings f) He's eating pizza 4) What is she doing? a) She is listening to music b) She is jumping rope c) She is riding a bike d) She's playing soccer e) She's painting a picture f) She's sleeping 5) What are they doing? a) They're playing duck, duck, goose b) They're listening to music c) They're climbing the jungle gym d) They're painting a picture e) They're reading a book f) They're doing puzzles 6) What is he doing? a) He's playing Chinese checkers b) He's doing puzzles c) He's swinging on the swings d) He's listening to music e) He's reading a book f) He's jumping rope



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