1) He ... tennis. a) doesn’t play b) don’t play  c) doesn’t plays 2) She ... every day. a) cooks b) cooking c) doesn’t cook 3) She .... stories with pleasure. a) reads b) read c) doesn't read 4) They …. TV every day. a) watches b) don't watch c) watch 5) He ... ... mum on Sundays. a) doesn't help  b) helps his c) help his 6) He ... in a hospital. a) working b) work c) works 7) She ... at school. a) works b) doesn't work c) doesn't works 8) ... they ... to school? a) Do ... go b) Do ... goes c) Does ... go 9) ... she ... cakes? a) Do ... like b) Does ... likes c) Does ... like 10) ... we ... milkshakes? a) Does ... drink b) Do ... drink c) Do ... drinks 11) He ... travelling. a) don't like b) doesn't like c) likes 12) ... we ... swimming every weekend? a) Does ... go b) Do ... go c) Do ... goes

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