1) When I am a baby, I drink milk. a) b) 2) I am a baby dog, what is my name? a) kit b) puppy 3) What is the meaning of reproduce? a) grow up b) give birth to babies 4) A newborn whale grows into a ____________. a) calf b) kitten 5) A baby leopard is called a ___________. a) cub b) fawn 6) A baby fox is called a __________. a) Puppy b) Kit 7) Who gives birth to pinkies? a) mouse b) sheep 8) Mammals reproduce when they are __________. a) adults b) babies 9) I can take care of myself and find food myself. a) True b) False 10) Mammals do not lay eggs. a) True b) False

Life Cycle of a Mammal


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