1) choose the odd one a) back up b) count on c) rely on d) carry on 2) choose the odd one a) refuse b) tactful c) deny d) reject 3) drink also means ....... a) fizzy b) soda c) beverage 4) choose the odd one a) buddies b) mates c) best friends d) parents 5) they ......... a) are gossipping b) are secret c) come over d) have something in common 6) I'm ___________ a) busy b) depend on c) strong d) stuffed 7) back up = _______________ a) thoughtful b) save c) support d) opportunity 8) fun = ________ a) support b) amusing c) stuffed d) terrible 9) This guy is _________ a) reliable b) easygoing c) determined d) thoughtful 10) Voldemort is my best friend. I __________________. (choose the odd one) a) rely on him b) count on him c) get along well with him d) find him dishonest. 11) I am ______________space. a) love b) like c) interested in d) fancy 12) Dogs are _________friends of people. a) honest b) loyal c) generous d) stubborn 13) Our neighbour Mrs.Jackson is a _________woman.  a) nice b) honest c) mean d) strong 14) selfish = __________________ a) self-sufficient b) self-centered 15) these are personality __________ a) traits b) troubles c) opportunities 16) This car is not a/an ________ car. a) fair b) ordinary c) fashion d) sensitive 17) Sharon is a/an ________person. She can be easily hurt. a) huge b) can't stand c) sensitive d) insult



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