1) What is this? a) stem b) root c) flower d) leaves 2) This is_______ a) flower b) leaves c) stem d) root 3) How many parts of plants? a) 3 b) 2 c) 1 d) 4 4) What is this? a) flower b) fruit c) stem d) leaves 5) Turtle uses its _________ to protect itself. a) feather b) shell c) horn d) fins 6) All followings have feather EXCEPT... a) parrot b) lion c) hen d) peacock e) duck 7) The followings are the examples of the animals that have webbed feet EXCEPT... a) frog b) duck c) penguin d) hen e) platypus 8) All the followings have scales on its body EXCEPT... a) fish b) crocodile c) iguana d) snake e) buffalo


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