Make predictions about what life will be like in the year 2050.Give reasons for your answer., Extreme Interviews: What are extreme interviews? What kind of companies first start with this? , Spooky stories. Have you (or anyone you know) seen or heard something which can’t be explained? E.g. a UFO or a ghost. Or perhaps visited a fortune teller?, Tell us something that you have wanted to do for ages. Please, give us details. We are curious. , Tell us something that you are worrying about at the moment. Please, give us details. We are curious., Tell us something that you are thinking of doing next weekend. Please, give us details. We are curious., Tell us something that you have forgotten to do this week. Please, give us details. We are curious., Tell us something that you are looking forward to. Please, give us details. We are curious., Think about three things that annoy you and tell us why. Don’t forget we are curious and we want details…Examples, reasons…, Tell us about a film (or TV series) you have seen recently. Plot, characters, acting, etc. Why do you like it?.

Upper-Intermediate Oral Practice


Cartes aléatoires est un modèle à composition non limitée. Il ne génère pas de points pour un classement.

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