1) Where is the supermarket? a) It's next to the bank. b) It's in front of the hospital. c) It's between the bank and the hospital. 2) Where is the yellow bus? a) It's next to the bus station. b) It's in front of the bus station. c) It's between the bus station and the park. 3) Is there a Bank in the city? a) Yes, there is . b) No, there isn´t . c) It's near the park. 4) Where is the cinema? a) It's opposite the bank. b) It's next to the bus station. c) It's behind the bus station. 5) Where is the dog? a) It's on the car. b) It's in the park. c) It's next to the bank. 6) Where is the red car? a) It's behind the blue car. b) It's in front of the blue car. c) It's next to the blue car. 7) The boy and the girl are... a) They are in front of the sports centre. b) They are in front of the bank. c) They are in front of the supermarket. 8) Where is the swimming pool? a) It's next to the sports centre. b) It's in front of the bank. c) It's in front of the supermarket. 9) How many cars are there? a) There are two cars. b) behind the park. c) There are three cars. 10) Where is the store? a) It's in front of the park. b) It's opposite the police station. c) It's next to the police station. 11) The police station is between the bank and the store. a) YES, IT IS b) NO, IT ISN'T c) There isn't a police station. 12) Where is the movie theatre? a) It's next to the hospital b) It's in front of the store. c) It's behind the restaurant

Prepositions & places in town


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