1) How are you? a) I´m fine, thanks. And you? b) I´m 18 years old. c) I´m a digital influencer. 2) How old are you? a) I´m fine, thanks. And you? b) I´m 18 years old. c) I´m a digital influencer. 3) What do you do? What´s your occupation? a) I watch series b) I´m a student and a musician. c) I´m happy. 4) When is your birthday? a) It´s 2223-0105. b) It´s on April 21. c) It´s happy. 5) What´s your favorite band? a) Soccer and surfing. b) They´re U2 and Maroon 5. c) I play the guitar. 6) What can you do? a) I´m dancing the tango. b) I can dance the tango a little. c) I don´t have one. 7) What can´t you do? a) I can surf and skateboard. b) I can play the piano, but not very well. c) I can´t cook. 8) What´s your neighborhood like? a) I don´t have one. b) Sure, here you are. c) It´s calm and beautiful. There are some stores and a playground. 9) Is your family big? What´s your family like? a) It´s big. My father and mother, 3 sisters and 1 brother. b) I don´t have one. c) We are family. 10) What do you do on weekends? a) I´m playing soccer and listening music. b) I can play soccer and listen music. c) I play soccer and listen music.


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